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03 Sep

Prayer, Patience, and Praise (P, P & P)

Our lips and our lifestyle should always praise God. Praise is very important in prevailing prayers. Praise focuses our hearts on God and lifts our hearts to Him in adoration, worship and love. We must see God as infinitely greater than our problems. Praise is the food and habitation of God (Ps. 22:3). Praise cleanses our hearts of cares, fears and earth-centered thoughts, thus pulling down the curtain over all extraneous events. Praise increases faith and cuts enemy forces down to size. Praise invokes God's presence, his power and His forces. Praise is an effective method of beating back the power of darkness and frustrating the strategies of Satan. It is an effective means of resisting Satan and causing him to flee.

However, Prayer and Patience go together, because the answers to our prayers may need quite a bit of patience. This is better remembered as P and P, that is, Prayer and Patience. One can add another P to make it P, P and P. This stands for Prayer, Patience and Praise." Sarah had to wait till the age of 90 years before God' s promise came to pass that she would be the "mother of nations"! God's time is always the best.

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We should pray the prayer of praise, worship and give thanks, even when it is dificult. This is the highest and most effective kind of prayer, because it takes self-discipline, self-denial and self-sacrifice.

Persistence in prayer is crucial to achieve the goal. Nothing in the world can take its place - not talent, not genius nor education. We must pray and persevere in our prayers. The man who quits never wins and the man who wins never quits! Prayer can make the impossible, possible; the hopeless, hopeful; turn failure into success; turn sickness into health; and turn depression into high spirit.

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